Camp Cabin Living

Camp Cullen Cabin Living
The foundation of our YMCA Camp Cullen community starts with our individual cabin groups. Sharing living quarters and responsibilities with a group of same-aged campers from various cities, states and even countries is not only a tremendous amount of fun, but also a great opportunity for growth.
It is within this community that your camper will form the deepest bond. No matter if the journey starts by becoming closer with friends from home, or with new friends at camp, it will end with a new group of people to call ‘friends.’
At the end of their day of fun, kids will come back to a clean, climate controlled bunkhouse with their friends. Kids will feel right at home with en-suite, individual bathroom and shower facilities. There are front and back porches complete with rocking chairs for relaxing and building relationships with their cabin mates.

Learning Life Skills
Campers learn the power of sharing their skills and strengths to benefit their cabin groups and the entire YMCA Camp Cullen community. Whether your child is spending the night away from home for the first time or your camper is building life skills year after year, their stay with us will equip them to be stronger and more impactful members of their family, school, friend groups and community. Time spent at YMCA Camp Cullen builds memories that last a lifetime.
Development of Leadership Skills
Each camper is encouraged to help make cabin decisions, be responsible for their belongings, learn to be independent and support their fellow campers. Leadership is role-modeled all day and the campers have an opportunity to step up in their own way and at their own pace.
Shared Experiences
Campers build long-lasting friendships with their cabin mates by spending time together at camp-wide events, meals, campfires and other daily activities. The value of structured struggle shines through at camp. We present our cabin groups with age appropriate, healthy challenges that bond them as a group and help them learn together.
Spirit & Character
Each cabin has an identity all its own that is displayed in many unique ways, including cabin decorations, songs and cheers, dress-up days, themed meals and campfire skits. The cabin identity takes on the shape of its campers, with the counselor guiding that formation. Your camper will simultaneously get the chance to shine as an individual and be part of a close group.

Don’t miss out!
Book your spot today!
The camp experience is a transformational one. No matter where your child is on the journey to being the best version of themselves, the camp experience can take them one step closer. Spots are limited by the number of beds on camp, so sign up today to lock in yours!